GCC Tutorials

This is the place for all the tutorials we have done in our club meetings! Don’t be left behind – catch up on everything here! Use the tabs to sort by type of tutorial. If you have an idea for a tutorial, or want to know how to do something in particular, comment away and we’ll try to accommodate!

If any of these links become invalid, please contact gamecreationclub at yahoo dot com and we’ll get it fixed ASAP.


BOOKS: To learn C# in general, there are several books that are online, free to OSU students.
C# 4.0 in a Nutshell: http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/book/programming/csharp/9781449379629

Programming C#: Fourth Edition: http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/0596006993
Also, you can study from past C# classes offered here at OSU (CSE 459.24): http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~maung/cse459_csharp/index.html. Note that the class assumes you have some experience coding in other languages.
For an XNA specific book, try Learning XNA 4.0: http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/book/programming/game-programming/9781449397210

10-11-11/10-18-11: XNA: Basic Training: http://xbox.create.msdn.com/en-US/education/tutorial/2dgame/getting_started
Some clarifications: http://gamedev.osu.edu/2011/10/xna-tutorial-clarifications/

10-25-11: XNA: Basic RPG I: Start: http://www.brianorchosky.com/tutorials/xna/RPG/RPG%20Tutorial.zip
Instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g9S1-p-jrVa1s6mtzu9C4eqF23KF2MZ1a-DBSXu2M-4/edit
Finish: http://www.brianorchosky.com/tutorials/xna/RPG/RPG%20Tutorial%20Complete.zip

11-1-11: XNA: Basic RPG II: Start: See Part 1 Finish. (special note: you will need to download Part 1 Finish, even after having a working part 1, because the finished file has new content in it)
Instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SBNyQFfqGITPM2e7zM-n4Ny1bSVpxbKnkIyWuWlyWZw/edit
Finish: http://www.brianorchosky.com/tutorials/xna/RPG/RPG%20Tutorial%20Complete2.zip

11-15-11: XNA: Platformer game (not a full-blown tutorial, but we look at the source code and see how a sample game works): http://create.msdn.com/en-US/education/catalog/sample/platformer

11-22-11: XNA RPG Tutorial 3: Start: See Part 2 finish.
Instructions: XNA RPG 3 instructions
Finish: RPG Tutorial 3 Complete

5-12-12: XNA Squares source code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wuvqtvcwqf2mmxx/Simple%20Squares.zip

[tab:ActionScript 3]

BOOKS: These books *should* be free online to OSU students.
ActionScript 3.0: Visual QuickStart Guide: http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/book/programming/actionscript/9780321573124
ActionScript 3.0: Game Programming University, Second Edition: http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/book/programming/actionscript/9780132678834

Summer 2011: ActionScript 3: Basic Training: http://gamedev.osu.edu/i-wanna-be-the-guide/programming-guide/actionscript-3-tutorial-1-hello-world/

1-17-12: ActionScript 3: Basic Training 2: Start: Empty flash document!
Instructions: Basic Training 2 Instructions
Finish: Basic Training 2 Complete

1-24-12: ActionScript 3: Basic Training 3: Start: Basic Training 3
Instructions: Basic Training 3 Instructions

1-31-12: ActionScript 3: Pong!: Start: Empty flash document!
Instructions: Pong instructions
Finish: Pong Complete

2-7-12: ActionScript 3: Platformers and OOP: Start: Platformers and OOP start
Instructions: Platformers and OOP instructions.
Finish: Platformers and OOP Complete

2-21-12 (First given in 2010): ActionScript 3 and Flex: Start: Nothing!
Instructions: ActionScript 3 and Flex instructions.
Finish: ActionScript 3 and Flex Complete

2-28-12: Simple action-based RPG system: Start: Simple action-based RPG system
Instructions: Simple action-based RPG system instructions
Finish: Simple action-based RPG system complete

4-10-12: AS3 Squares source code: Source


BOOKS: The following books *should* be free to OSU students online.
Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1: http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/book/programming/python/9780470414637

4-11-12: Python Squares source code: Source


Note: You can view the source code right in your browser. Hit F12 to access developer tools in both Chrome and IE (other browsers may be different).

Chirag pointed us to this tutorial series offered by Google developers. Registration required.

9-4-12 and 9/11/12: HTML5 Squares source code/tutorial.

11-6-12/11-13-12: Tetris Step 1 Source code
Tetris Step 2 Source code
Tetris Final Step Source code
Tetris background picture (place this in the same folder as the .html file)


11-8-11: General: Starting a game project: http://gamedev.osu.edu/i-wanna-be-the-guide/starting-a-project/

10-2-12: Platformer Collision Detection

10-17-12: Turn Based RPG Battle

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